Book a Balanced-Life Assessment with one of our experts today. Book Now.

Transform Your Potential into Balance

Living Wellz provides personalized coaching that understands and adapts to your personal path to success. We offer customized strategies and support tailored to your journey.


HAve you ever wondered…

What would happen if you tapped into greater strengths within you while finding life balance?

  • You are pursuing career growth, but balancing work and life is challenging.
  • You are struggling to make time for loved ones and hobbies in a busy career.
  • You are battling imposter syndrome, often underestimating your own worth.

  • You have financial success, yet there’s a lingering sense of being unfulfilled

Start your journey to self-actualization and life balance today–and make every moment count.

Your unique abilities and passions are designed to enrich not just your life, but also the lives of those around you. It’s time to focus on creating time for loved ones, personal well-being, and joy.

Are you ready to unlock your full potential and achieve life-balance?

With Living wellz, you’ll learn how to 

Self-actualize, Perform Better, and Find Life Balance with Expert Coaching

Create Your Balanced-Life Blueprint

Craft a detailed Executive Avatarâ„¢ that fully reflects your goals and potential

Design Your High-Performance Rituals

Learn meditation and visualization techniques to fit your lifestyle and objectives.


Build Your Accountability System

Implement the Radical Accountability Frameworkâ„¢ to ensure commitment and progress.

Embrace a Balanced Life
& Boost your Confidence

Finding balance in life involves finding harmony between different aspects of your life, such as work, relationships, self-care, personal growth, and leisure activities. It means prioritizing taking care of yourself, maintaining healthy relationships, pursuing your interests and hobbies, setting boundaries, managing your time effectively, taking breaks and rest, and continuously learning and growing. It’s about allocating your time and energy in a way that promotes your overall well-being and fulfillment. Remember, everyone’s idea of balance is different, so it’s important to find what works best for you and make adjustments as needed.

    Our Commitment to You

    At Living Wellz, we are dedicated to helping you achieve a balanced life and boost your confidence. We understand that life can sometimes feel overwhelming, leaving you feeling unbalanced and unsure of yourself. That’s why we’re here to guide you on a transformative journey towards finding harmony and reclaiming your confidence.

    Our commitment to you is to provide personalized coaching and support tailored to your unique needs and goals. We believe that true balance comes from nurturing all aspects of your life – mind, body, and soul.

      Aaron Anthony

      "Authentic Coaching"

      Adipiscing elit maecenas vel egestas leo borbi non sollicdin nisi vurabitur id lectus ut ligula iaculis laoreet tincidunt eget ...
      Read More
      Aaron Anthony
      Corporate Executive

      "Authentic Coaching"

      Adipiscing elit maecenas vel egestas leo borbi non sollicdin nisi vurabitur id lectus ut ligula iaculis laoreet tincidunt eget lorem. Nam eget enim et justo bibendum pulvinar.
      Aaron Anthony
      Aaron Anthony
      Corporate Executive
      Ethan Harrison

      "Straightforward and Effective"

      Adipiscing elit maecenas vel egestas leo borbi non sollicdin nisi vurabitur id lectus ut ligula iaculis laoreet tincidunt ...
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      Ethan Harrison

      "Straightforward and Effective"

      Adipiscing elit maecenas vel egestas leo borbi non sollicdin nisi vurabitur id lectus ut ligula iaculis laoreet tincidunt eget lorem. Nam eget enim et justo bibendum pulvinar.
      Ethan Harrison
      Ethan Harrison
      Olivia Rodrigues

      "Very Supportive"

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Vestibulum mi nisi consectetur non posuere id dapibus varius arcu Sed ...
      Read More
      Olivia Rodrigues

      "Very Supportive"

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Vestibulum mi nisi consectetur non posuere id dapibus varius arcu Sed gravida ante in ullamcorper maximus Morbi maximus ligula risus eu feugiat augue gravida eget Quisque porttitor sapien leo quis facilisis arcu dignissim ut Nulla sed suscipit dolor Quisque commodo finibus nisi ac cursus Nunc commodo nisi sem sit amet ultricies urna porta sed Vivamus ullamcorper metus a nisi venenatis vestibulum id in lorem.
      Olivia Rodrigues
      Olivia Rodrigues

      How It Works

      Step 1
      Step 1

      Book Your Balanced-Life Assessment

      A balanced-life assessment is a transformative experience that offers clarity and helps you identify and address imbalances in your life. With our professional guidance, we’ll create an action plan to regain control and achieve a more fulfilling life. Book your assessment now and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.


      Step 2
      Step 2

      Build Your Game Plan

      By understanding the individual’s unique strengths, weaknesses, and goals, a personalized game plan can be tailored to maximize their potential and achieve desired outcomes. This approach takes into account the person’s specific circumstances, preferences, and abilities, enabling them to make informed decisions and take actions that align with their needs and aspirations. Moreover, a personalized game plan fosters motivation, as it provides a clear roadmap and empowers the individual to take ownership of their journey. Ultimately, by customizing the plan to the individual, it increases the likelihood of success and enables them to unlock their full potential.


      Step 3
      Step 3

      Activate Your Journey To True Balance and Personal Power

      Ready to transform your life? Hire a life and confidence coach for expert guidance, unwavering support, and lasting progress. Discover your passions, values, and strengths, and break through limiting beliefs. Embrace change, build self-confidence, balanced, and live a fulfilling, empowered life. Invest in yourself and partner with a coach today.

      Meet Josey Wellz, Your Personal Coach

      ” Unleash your Potential with Innovative Coaching”

      Josey Wellz, a name synonymous with modernity and innovation. Born and raised in the bustling streets of NYC, he overcame the challenges of the Bronx and discovered his true artistic passion. With a move to Atlanta in 2013, Josey’s journey took a transformative turn.

      From captivating music to unforgettable life experiences, Josey connected with his higher self, gaining a fresh perspective on life. Now, as a Confidence and Life Coach, he empowers others to break free from limiting beliefs and unlock their true potential. As the founder of Living Wellz, LLC, Josey combines his artistic background with entrepreneurship, guiding individuals in the business world to build self-confidence and live their best lives.

      Josey Wellz is not just a coach; he is a catalyst for positive transformation, inspiring others to embrace their inner power and start “living well”.

      Frequently Asked Questions